Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Glossary for Book 7

As I go through my second stage of drafting, which basically entails reading a piece after having  set it down long enough to have forgotten or misremembered vast swaths of the material, I comb through and add or subtract large chunks of text. Mostly I add, to the tune of about 40k new words. Generally, the third stage nets a gain of about 20k-30k words, and subsequent drafts cut the final word count significantly. 

Presented is my present working glossary for Book 7 in A Vow Unbroken, which is woefully behind my personal release schedule. I blame the hyper-full load of classes this semester ;)


Diachael Berry Croissants -- Diachael berries are a berry grown exclusively in gardens drafting energy directly from each city’s deep-tapped lae-lines.  Each bush requires seventeen years to bear fruit and requires three gallons of distilled water each day, but once these plants begin to produce, their branches must be carefully enchanted or they will break under the strain of the perenial bounty. In many cities, these berries are so plentiful that they are enjoyed even by common elves, as they do not denature under heat and so retain a fresh, bursting quality after cooking.  Croissants and scones are traditional vessels for these berries.

Distilled Anguish -- a product of fusing the aetherial soul of a body with the sympathetic nervous system, then stimulating extreme stress. An amber-colored liquid coalesces at specific key points and can be collected. This substance is used for a great number of magic items and arcana nullifying equipment.

Echitoaxt -- Urterkt for the small capillaries of energy produced by and designed to sustain the world. These are what the taproots in the center of the cities seek to draw and what was, by and large, destroyed when the Spiral Throne was erected.

Elienste -- While there are many languages that share the basic underlying lexus and alpha-numerics collectively referred to as Elvish, Elienste is the accent associated with the mercantile elite. As such, and unlike other accents exhibited by those who natively speak one of the Elvish tongues, Elienste has become the accent of satire, the proverbial sound of the oppressive Civilized state.

Enthesine tea -- A soothing infusion of leaves which have first been lightly fermented then rolled and dried.

Neotomarian -- a relatively rare race with features akin to enormous rats, most range from thirty to fifty pounds and can be found working in conjunction with trolls and in proximity to hobgoblins. Though perfectly capable of understanding a number of languages, they can most easily replicate the language of trolls, often speaking no more than one or two words of Vexra or other languages.

Paxokt -- An Urterkt term for a specific type of trek-breaker restraint. This and variants are designed to prevent direct downward pressure from being applied to a region, most generally the heel, arch,or ball of the feet.

Rieshthaineisthelian -- Also known as Riverdance, is one of Xiezjiit’s cousins

Resplendance -- One of Xiezjiit’s uncles

Second -- Originally, this was a term used exclusively by orcs to denote the “second in command” of the absolute highest ranked orc in a given region.  Originally, this implied conflict or a formal acknowledgement of the leader’s primary rival, but such meanings have fallen by the wayside. Presently, the term has been adopted into many cultures, is used to describe a range of functions, and is associated with “chief bodyguard” and the like. It is also somewhat common for an orc to offer the term to a hobgoblin or ogre in mixed bands to help facilitate peacful cooperation.

LANGUAGES: Languages are categorized and broadly defined in this nation as having a set alpha-numeric base different from other languages, different pronunciations, and closely tied to a specific culture.  Dead languages and dialects are described as sub-categories of these base languages. The given list is not exhaustive of all languages spoken in the nation, but is inclusive of some of the more common languages.

Celecaunic -- base language of all celenicics
Elvish -- base language of all elves
Krawral -- base language of all bugbears in this region
Teultic -- base language of all goblins in this region
Urterkt -- base language of all orcs

Trek-Breaker -- trek-breaker is an adjective applied cuffs, greaves, shackles, fetters, or other restraints are designed to cause discomfort, pain, or direct injury, depending on make, to individuals who move at a rate faster than a slow shuffle or in such a manner that their wrists are not held close together. Occassionally, trek-breaker describeschoke-collars with blunted inward-facing spikes.

Phrases: These are approximate translations, as some direct translations would read as utter gibberish to English ears. They follow as closely as is reasonable.

“Cy’vaitette ne’vailiesthenne Ptailierensylvcois X'Faineinzealeanii d’oiyearieve sien’trovealiace.”  -- Of and regarding my title in the context of rapid identity and excluding allowance for epithets or acknowledgement of alternate and potentially more illuminating names, my lineage can be traced from the X’Faineinzealeaniii line to the individual marker of Ptailierensylvcois.

Cast of Characters:

The leader went by Drakot; his Second by Redail, which was clearly a nickname; and the two other orcs by Takaam and Oxtok.  The mutt across the table went by Ahran and the goblin was Matupzu. The one talking introduced himself as Djinn and the mutt Xiezjiit had kept shocking was Satoam.

Drakot: Dark reddish brown, very large. Orc
Redail: skin akin to 2:1 mix of black and grey sand, deep blue sunken tattoos. Ogre
Takaam: Dark bluish grey skin. Orc
Oxtok: Skin the color of wet red brick. Orc
Ahran: Purplish brown skin. Orc mutt
Matupzu: 174338P-1485. Goblin
Djinn: Aberrant mutt. Orc-hobgoblin-human hybrid: Black and mauve
Satoam: muscular, slow reflexed, former mine-worker, skin yellowish grey. Orc Mutt

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